
Lucy (Royoni Sweet Lucy, born 1993) was our second rescued Cocker. She was from the NSW Cocker Spaniel Society's rescue facility at Royoni Kennels in Sydney and was 5 years old at the time (November '98). Lucy was well cared for, however she was abandoned by her family after her Dad died of cancer.

A Tribute

11th of March, 2009
In memory of yet another wonderful dog...

Lucy the Caravelle

Our '91 Caravelle has been Christened "Lucy". This vehicle is also known as "Der Hundewagen" as it is used to transport the dogs.

Farewell Sweet Lucy

8th of May, 2006
Quite suddenly and most unexpectedly she left us...


She is very sadly missed.

I stood at the shore and watched as she sailed away
and someone standing next to me said, "there she goes,"
but the loss was in me not in her,
because on some distant shore others gathered and said.
"look, here she comes!"

A Win for Lucy

9th of August, 2003
Lucy wins "Best Veteran Bitch"...


Albeit an unexpected and last minute entry at the NSW Cocker Society winter show...

Lucy's Surgery

17th of May, 1999
Lucy under went surgery to remove her anal glands...


They had proven problematic, becoming badly infected. Repeated medication and diet changes had no impact, so the decision was taken to operate. She came through with flying colours thanks to the skill of Doctor Geraldine Hunt, Sydney University's accomplished soft tissue veterinary surgeon.

Lucy Arrives

15th of October, 1998
Lucy and Annie were like the proverbial soft white gypsum & milk curd derivative...


I'm sure Lucy waited up all night waiting to see us in the morning, while Annie made herself comfortable and slept.

One of Lucy's greatest assets was that she had made poor Annie realize that she (Annie) was not the only dog in the world. And this had done Annie a world of good.

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